Amit Sharma said on Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 12:40:46AM -0700,:

 > I have Epson FX 2175, LQ 2180 and LQ 300 Dot Matrix Printers.   

 > I am not able to find exact drivers for the same and generic
 > printer driver (text only printer) is able to do the work when I
 > print it from command line but the application fails to print from
 > it.   

Do yuou have a print spooleer like cups installed? 

 > If i print it using nearest driver of Epson then the print does
 > come but not in desired font, pitch and runs all over the
 > pre-printed stationery.   

you need foomatic-db and foomatic-filters packages. The nomenclature
will vary slightly depending on the distro you are using. Those are
the names on Debian.

 >   If I get the exact driver then I am sure my issue will be
 > resolved.

You will probably not need the exact names.  I for example, have an
Epson Esc P+ <something> pinter, and another wipro one. Both are 80
col, 24 Pin ones.

I simply switch between them, without having to change anything in
cups configuration.

If you have cups installed, and you are a member of the lpadmin group
(again, distro specific), go to this url using your browser:-


A user name and password would be required. Look around. 

Adnubustratuib < orubters < Manage printers is probably what you will
require, because you already have installed something; but if cups was
not there in the first place, you will need to go to the "add new
printer" option.

Post back here with more details of you have done and software you
have, including distro and version of teh software / spooler you have
installed if you need further help..

Tip - "gutenprint" is typically for laser / colour printers; you will
not require those packages for running dot matrix printers.

I am currently using Epson LX 1050 driver. If you notice, "LX" is the
nomenclature used by Epson for their 9 pin printers. (IIRC, AFAIK)

Mahesh T. Pai   ||  http://[paivakil|fizzard]
TRUTH,  n.   An   ingenious  compound  of  desirability  and
  appearance.   Discovery of  truth is  the sole  purpose of
  philosophy, which  is the  most ancient occupation  of the
  human  mind  and has  a  fair  prospect  of existing  with
  increasing activity to the end of time.

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