I have FC2 installed. Some days back, I also installed Ubuntu. After installing Ubuntu I mounted my /dev/hda9 on /mnt/music (mounted as /music on FC) to see how the sound works on it (ubuntu too does not ship with the mp3 plugin). However, when i did `ls -l /mnt/music`, I saw that the permissions were not displayed correctly. i.e. I was getting an output looking like
drwxrwxr-x 4 500 500 4096 Dec 10 20:53 Trance
whereas in FC the output is is shown as
drwxrwxr-x 4 stormcrow stormcrow 4096 Dec 10 20:53 Trance

To share the partition correctly here are the steps that I took

- Find out the uid of the user stormcrow in FC by ``grep stormcrow /etc/passwd`` , and see the third field (man 5 passwd for more). In my case it was 500

- also note the group id for user stormcrow using (gid is the 4th field). This too was 500 for my case

- login to ubuntu

- In the /etc/groups file add a line "stormcrow:x:500:"

- Create a user "stormcrow" in ubuntu (there is a gui tool for it ) and give it the uid of 500 . Set "stormcrow" as the primary group for this user.

- Now when I mounted /dev/hda10, I was able to see the permissions correctly.

The reason for going through this whole exercise is to be able to use files in both the distros without hitch. For example, when I copy files from a CD (when using ubuntu), i would definitely like to use them in Fedora too, without doing a chown.

I am not sure how safe it is to have a /home/stormcrow shared between two distros, but it is a good idea to share /resources, /downloads and /music between them.

,-.___,-.  Raj Shekhar
\_/_ _\_/  System Administrator, programmer and  slacker
  )O_O(    home : http://rajshekhar.net
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