It's great to see that the openSUSE community (I started using openSUSE once Novell took its last breath) has taken a stand against SOPA/PIPA.

The Open Source/Free Software community is going on strike on 18th Jan, 2012, to protest against the dangerous SOPA and PIPA bills.

But ain't SOPA Dead?
SOPA has been put on the back burner for a while amid all these online protests. But the war is not over yet. The bill may be pulled out once the politicians gets something better to distract citizens. The chances are that the congressmen may try to slip the provisions of SOPA in some anti-terrorism bill. The 'Little Boy' PIPA is still kicking and the 'corporate' politicians may try to pass it this week.

openSUSE team has announced a one day strike to protest against SOPA. The openSUSE website says, "We hope the decision to blackout will educate people around the world about this issue that threatens the basics of the Internet, will make some US based contributors, friends and users contact their representatives in congress and inspire others to join the strike." will be protesting against SOPA and PIPA in a unique way.


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