On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 7:39 PM, Ben Kernan <bkpro...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>  My 24" 2.8ghz w/4gigs ram iMac running 10.5.8, which I purchased from
> Smalldog in November 2011, is doing something really annoying! The window
> that comes up when I turn the machine off is continually popping up, asking
> am I sure I want to shut my computer down now... When I am in the middle of
> doing something. When I hit cancel, it pops up again at rapid & decreasing
> intervals till it stays on thru 4 or 5 clicks of the cancel button, then it
> will stay off several minutes till it starts the same irritating cycle over
> again. This sometimes happens very frequently, but sometimes will not
> happen for a couple of days. It also makes noise, quite bothersome when
> listening to music or playing a movie. I posted this on the LEM imac list
> back in march when it first started happening, & the only response  got was
> that  might have a stuck on-off switch... personally  think it may be
> software related since it did not manifest itself untill i found out that
> my wife had been snooping on my computer to see if there was any porn on
> it... There wasn't. My wife is NOT very computer literate, even though she
> has been using one since we got a PM 6500 years ago. Later  found out she
> had fooled around with iChat (which I don't use), & iTunes ( which like
> everyone else I DO use). Any suggestions, or am I going to have to back up,
> wipe & reformat then re-install???  I do not have install disks.
> Ben Kernan:  24"I-Mac 4/2.8/700, graphite g-4 1gig/400/52, iPad 2/64/wifi,
> iPhone 4gs/64 - Dedicated Mac user since 1990
> -- Is something triggering an apple script?

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