
The link that you posted is the login page.
Try using Safari and your get through.


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On Saturday, June 30, 2012 10:31:17 AM UTC-7, Jane (Portland, OR) wrote:

Stats: Intel iMac;10.6.9; latest Firefox; Add-on QuickJava 1.7.9; Flash Player Plug in 11.3.300.257

I am trying to make a free photo book on Shutterfly. These are the steps that I have done:
signed in
selected photo book
Family Portraits
Select this style

And then this page opens: http://www.shutterfly.com/custompath/viewEdit.sfly?fid=c2d57ccf877dd041c7e45aad1e0cdff4

The page does not load. I keep getting Just a moment. I cleared the cache and Cookies. Restarted Firefox. Restarted the iMac. Still doesn't load.

I was on the phone with Shutterfly Customer Service for an hour and did the same steps with him. Page still doesn't load! His suggestion was to download Internet Explorer!

Safari has the same problem ---- page doesn't load!

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to resolve this? I can't believe Mac users will be shut out of Shutterfly!!!!!!


The page opens fine for me using firefox 13.0.1. It is a sign up page for Shutterfly.
"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take
 away everything you have"   Thomas Jefferson

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