I have a 24"Aluminum iMac, of mid-2007 vintage I believe. After a few
months, I started running games on it in Windows - and promptly
encountered video artifacting. After much research, I found that
overheating was the cause of the problem. Installing fan control
software, like smcfancontrol and Input Remapper allowed me to crank up
the fan and prevent video anomalies. Lately though, the wireless began
cutting out and I noticed high temperatures. I raised the fan speed,
and the problem went away for now, but I seem to have some "thermal
creep"going in.

I assume this is due to dust build up on the inside of the iMac, in
addition to whatever problem originally existed (too much thermal
paste, perhaps?) The obvious solution is to blow out the inside of the
iMac and perhaps apply new thermal paste to whatever heatsinks lurk on
the inside. How difficult is working on the inside of an iMac? I have
worked on dozens, if not hundreds, of PCs and PowerMacs, but working
on laptops always makes me twitch. How much potential is there for
error in disassembling, blowing out and re-pasting an Intel iMac?

As an aside, how much would it be worth as I sold it as-is as a fixer-

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