Christian M. Jensen wrote:
> Does anyone know of a GUI toolkit that supports alpha blending using PNGs?
What is it you want to do with them? wxPython can load and display PNGs
with alpha, but there is no way to create them with wxPython, and I
don't know if you can put them on top of each other
On Friday 01 July 2005 23:38, Joseph Quigley wrote:
> What else can I use besides .show() to display the image? I don't
> mind xv but on Windows it takes forever to load the picture. Is
> there an alternative? I found the PIL handbook but I can't find
> anything other than .show()
> Thanks,
> Joe
Thanks! You guys made this possible (well, a fast quick image loading possible).
Here's my source code (the program's not finished but this works great):
import Image
import imghdr
import ImageTk
import os
import Tkinter
print "\n" * 100
print "Jimage Reader 1.0\n"
def imgshow(file):
im = Im
Does anyone know of a GUI toolkit that supports alpha blending using PNGs?
Image-SIG maillist -
Thanks guys. This helps. I'll try the Tk version (I'm having problems
installing wxPython on Linux right now.
You say I should look at the in the scripts folder?
I'll try the pseudocode you wrote. I have minimal experience with GUI
(i started python in Feb. this year) but I have An In
You can write your own Tkinter widget pretty easily...
(untested pseudocode)
import Image, ImageTk, Tkinter
def show2(imgFile):
im =
window = Tkinter.Tk()
window.tkIm = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im)
window.label = Tkinter.Label(window, image=window.tkI