
Thanks for your response.

>>I'm not sure you're going to get sensible answers to your questions
>>without providing a lot more details about what you're talking about.

I realize that I am not making it easy for people.  Unfortunately, I am
constrained by being under heavy non-disclosure regarding the work
I am doing.  It is difficult both because there are things I cannot divulge
and because, in some areas, it is hard to know just how much I can say
and how much I should not.

>>Guessing that you're talking about a client development SDK of some

I guess I can say that what I am working on could be described as an
email gateway and the issues I am concerned about involve exactly
that, a client-development SDK.

>>I think the questions that need to be answered are what
>>programming language and what OS(s) are you targeting?

The programming language is C.  No particular OS but, for the most
part, not traditional desktop platforms.  (The gateway does run on one
specific OS but that has limited relevance to clients.) The Unicode
interface needs to be UTF-8; that much is beyond my decision or control.


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