When I compile imapd with PAM support, it appears to work properly with
the PAM modules in use.

I compiled ipop3d at the same time, but it doesn't seem to be using PAM at
all in the authentication process.  Any ideas?

from my /etc/pam.conf (pam_listfile_imap.so is a hacked pam_listfile
pointing to a particular file on the server with a list of users to
block.  imap compiled with PAM support has no trouble using this module):

# Mail services
imap    auth    required        pam_listfile_imap.so
imap    auth    required        pam_unix.so                     try_first_pass
pop3    auth    required        pam_listfile_imap.so
pop3    auth    required        pam_unix.so                     try_first_pass

 Mark P. Hennessy                                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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