When the OpenSolaris project started a few years ago Sun, while the
legal owner of the OpenSolaris trademark, was trusted to be a good
steward to that intellectual property, and was trusted not to do
things with it without consultation.

Recently, as we all know, Ian Murdock et. al. betrayed that trust and
stabbed the community in the back. This unilateral decision has caused
much Sun <-> Community and inter-community hostility.

I propose that we as a community implore Sun to hold a vote on the
issue, open to all contributors and core contributors. While Sun isn't
legally bound to follow the results of the vote, it shall be seen as a
hostile attack on the community values should they ignore it again.

Note that this is quite aside from how I or anyone else feels with
respect to the name. I'm not asking for the name "OpenSolaris" to be
attached to the indiana project or the contrary, I'm asking the OGB,
whose job it is to stand up for the community to urge Sun to hold a
vote, and Sun to hold that vote and act in good faith by following it.

Thank you.


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