To me also *D. heterocarpon. *But there is 3 verities are reported in this
species. So the proper identification of taxa is difficult here using this

   1. *Desmodium heterocarpon *(L.) DC. var. *gymnocarpum *Schindl.
   2. *Desmodium heterocarpon *(L.) DC. var. *heterocarpon
   **Syn: Hedysarum heterocarpon *L.; *Hedysarum po*lycarpum Poir. ; *Desmodium
   polycarpum *(Poir.) DC.; *Desmodium patens *Wight
   3. *Desmodium heterocarpon *(L.) DC. var. *strigosum* van Meeuwen

*Prabhu Kumar K M*
Plant Systematics & Genetic Resources Division
Centre for Medicinal Plants Research (CMPR)
& 'CMPR' Herbarium
Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala
Kottakkal, Malappuram

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