Thanks for the informative posts.

Dr Satish Phadke

On 13 October 2014 20:48, Vijayasankar <> wrote:

> *General description *
> *of Menispermaceae (moonseed family)*
>  *Habit: *Usually climbers, twiners or scandent shrubs.
> *Leaves:* Simple, alternate, entire or lobed, palmi-nerved, exstipulate.
> Leaves are typically more or less subpeltate, with the insertion of the
> petiole being scarcely in from the margin of the lamina, but a few taxa are
> strongly peltate. The petiole is pulvinate at both ends.
> *Flowers:* Small, solitary or in fascicles/cymes/racemes, dioecious;
> sepals usually 6, free, in 2-4 series; petals 6 (rarely absent), free or
> connate. Male flowers: stamens usually one opposite each petal; anthers
> 2-celled. Female flowers: staminodes 6 or 0; ovaries usually 3 (rarely 1 or
> 6-12); style terminal, simple or divided; ovules usually solitary.
> *Fruits: *Drupes, with the style-scar subterminal or subbasal.
> *Seeds: *Usually hooked or reniform, often curved round an intrusion of
> the endocarp.
> *Key features:* Members of the family Menispermaceae show extensive
> variation in most of their morphological traits. However, the main feature
> historically used to define the family is the curved seed found in many of
> the genera, hence the common name “moonseed” family. Concomitant with the
> curving of the seed is the curving of the embryo. Additionally, the
> endocarp is variously ornamented and provides important taxonomic
> characters for distinguishing between and within genera.
> *Properties:* Several members of the family are known for their medicinal
> and toxic properties. Most species contain alkaloids which have similar
> effects to the paralysing hunting poisons curare, and berberine. These
> alkaloids also have medicinal value. Plants from the genera *Stephania *and
> *Tinospora *feature in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.
> References:
> 1. Hooker, J. D. (1885) Flora of British India. Vol. 1. Reprint by Bishen
> Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehra Dun.
> 2. Pramanik, A. & Gangopadhyay, M. (1993) Menispermaceae. In: Sharma,
> B.D. et al. (eds) Flora of India, Botanical Survey of India. Vol. 1. Deep
> Printers, New Delhi.
> 3.
> Regards
> Vijayasankar
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Vijayasankar Raman, Ph.D.
> National Center for Natural Products Research
> University of Mississippi
> --
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