Thanks Rawat ji

Dr Satish Phadke

On 14 October 2014 03:36, Vijayasankar <> wrote:

> Thanks Rawat ji for this set of information. I also hope to see some
> additions during this episode.
> We might also need to revisit some of the previous posts (of
> Menispermaceae) and update the database accordingly. For example the only
> post of "Pachygone ovata
> <>"
> has been later identified as Tiliacora acumina. So, as of now P. ovata
> doesn't exist in the database.
> I think members can also post pictures of herbarium specimens in the
> absence of plant pictures. This will help cover some of the rare/threatened
> species.
> Regards
> Vijayasankar
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Vijayasankar Raman, Ph.D.
> National Center for Natural Products Research
> University of Mississippi
> On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 9:26 AM, Nidhan Singh <>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for detailed information Rawat Ji...really very useful, hope to
>> see some new additions along with usual uploads..
>> On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 7:52 PM, D.S Rawat <>
>> wrote:
>>> Menispermaceae members are distinguished by the dioecious character,
>>> lianous habit (not so in some *Cocculus* spp.), the usually three
>>> merous floral situation, the double whorl of sepals, and the curved seed. 
>>> Detailed
>>> description <>
>>> Named by Jussieu the family Menispermaceae is mainly restricted
>>> to Tropics and subtropics. Few species reach to temperate regions also.
>>> Menispermaceae is represented by 68 genera and 448 species in the world (TPL
>>> 2013 <>). In
>>> India it represented by 20 genera and 43 species (Pramanik & Gangopadhyay,
>>> 1993).
>>> Following genera and their species are present and discussed in eFI (pl
>>> click genus name to see details):
>>> *Anamirta
>>> <>*
>>>  (A.cocculus)
>>> *Cissampelos
>>> <>*
>>>  (C.pareira)
>>> *Cocculus
>>> <>*
>>>  (C.hirsutus, C.laurifolius, C.pendulus)
>>> *Coscinium
>>> <>*
>>>  (C.fenestratum)
>>> *Cyclea
>>> <>*
>>>  (C.peltata)
>>> *Diploclisia
>>> <>*
>>>  (D.glaucescens)
>>> *Pachygone
>>> <>*
>>> (P.ovata)
>>> *Parabaena
>>> <>*
>>>  (P.sagittata)
>>> *Stephania
>>> <>*
>>>  (S.glabra, S.gracilenta, S.japonica, S.japonica var. discolour)
>>> *Tiliacora
>>> <>*
>>>  (T.acuminata)
>>> *Tinospora
>>> <>*
>>>  (T.cordifolia, T.sinensis)
>>> Threatened species as mentioned in Red list of Threatened Vascular Plant
>>> Species in India (based on the 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants):
>>> Albertisia mecistophylla (Indeterminate)
>>> Coscinium fenestratum (Endangered)
>>> Cyclea debiliflora (Indeterminate)
>>> Cyclea fissicalyx (Endangered)
>>> Cyclea wattii (Indeterminate)
>>> Stephania andamanica (Indeterminate)
>>> Tinospora andamanica (Indeterminate)
>>> Following species need to be added in eFI to cover complete Indian
>>> Menispermaceae:
>>> *Albertisia mecintophylla*
>>> *Aspidocarya uvifera*
>>> *Cocculus orbiculatus, C.prainianus*
>>> *Cyclea barbata, C.bicristata, C.debiliflora, C.fissicalyx, C.meeboldii,
>>> C.pendulina, C.wattii*
>>> *Eleutharrhena macrocarpa*
>>> *Fibraurea tinctoria*
>>> *Haematocarpus validus*
>>> *Hypserpa nitida*
>>> *Pericampylus glaucus*
>>> *Pycnarrhena lucida, P.pleniflora*
>>> *Stephania andamanica, S.elegans, S.glandulifera, S.venosa, S.wightii*
>>> *Tiliacora triandra*
>>> *Tinomiscium petiolare*
>>> *Tinospora crispa, T.glabra*
>>> Dr D.S.Rawat
>>> Department of Biological Sciences, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture &
>>> Technology Pantnagar-263 145 Uttarakhand, INDIA
>>>  --
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>> --
>> Regards,
>> Dr. Nidhan Singh
>> Assistant Professor
>> Department of Botany
>> I.B. (PG) College
>> Panipat-132103 Haryana
>> Ph.: 09416371227
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