I think we can assume it as *Tamarix ramosissima* for now, as the Ladakh
checklist by L. Klimeš and B. Dickoré lists it, and also the paper BULL.
BOT. SURV. INDIA, Vol. 42, Nos. 1-4 : pp. 81-90, 2000, lists Tamarix
ramosissima in the plants of Nubra Valley. Moreover the images seem to
agree with those of *Tamarix ramosissima* at POWO, as Garg ji pointed out.
The waterhole of flower lovers

On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 12:17 PM J.M. Garg <jmga...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, Tabish ji,
> In view of the confusion, what to take as final id ?
> On Mon, 9 Nov 2020 at 07:36, J.M. Garg <jmga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks, Tabish ji.
>> It only mentions T.dioca and T.indica.
>> --
>> With regards,
>> J. M. Garg
>> On Sun, 8 Nov, 2020, 11:50 pm Tabish, <tabi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Here it is for you.
>>>  Tabish
>>> -------------------------------------------
>>> <http://www.flowersofindia.net>www.flowersofindia.net
>>> The waterhole of flower lovers
>>> On Sun, Nov 8, 2020 at 9:40 PM J.M. Garg <jmga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks, Tabish ji.
>>>> As they have put it on the web as per
>>>> https://www.butbn.cas.cz/klimes/desert.html, it should be as good as
>>>> published.
>>>> Recently Flora of Ladakh: An Annotated Inventory of Flowering Plants
>>>> <https://www.google.co.in/search?safe=strict&ei=HhWoX-ibNY6G4-EP9qGm4Ac&q=flora+of+ladakh+year&oq=flora+of+ladakh+year&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzIFCAAQzQIyBQgAEM0CMgUIABDNAjIFCAAQzQI6BAgAEEdQpTdY0j1gl0doAHACeACAAe0BiAGNCJIBBTAuMi4zmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpesgBCMABAQ&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjoopnip_PsAhUOwzgGHfaQCXwQ4dUDCAw&uact=5#spf=1604850985234>
>>>> by Achuta Nand Shukla & S. K. Srivastava was published in Feb.2020.
>>>> But I do not know how to get access other than buying.
>>>> On Sun, 8 Nov 2020 at 20:50, Tabish <tabi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I could not find the published version of Klimes & Dickore's list, but
>>>>> the attached paper explores the Flora of Nubra valley, and lists Tamarix
>>>>> ramosissima. Nubra valley is where we found it.
>>>>>    Tabish
>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>> <http://www.flowersofindia.net>www.flowersofindia.net
>>>>> The waterhole of flower lovers
>>>>> On Sun, Nov 8, 2020 at 7:57 PM J.M. Garg <jmga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I think Ladakh checklist by L. Klimeš and B. Dickoré
>>>>>> <https://www.butbn.cas.cz/ladakh/checklist.html> was published in
>>>>>> 2009 as per
>>>>>> https://sites.google.com/a/shpa.org.uk/main/flora-of-ladakh?tmpl=%2Fsystem%2Fapp%2Ftemplates%2Fprint%2F&showPrintDialog=1
>>>>>> https://www.butbn.cas.cz/klimes/desert.html
>>>>>> I think it should be more reliable as far as Ladakh Flora is
>>>>>> concerned. BSI Flora of India may have been published much earlier.
>>>>>> Images in POWO
>>>>>> <http://www.plantsoftheworldonline.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:828206-1>
>>>>>> seem to match.
>>>>>> On Sun, 8 Nov 2020 at 19:32, Tabish <tabi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks Garg ji,
>>>>>>>    Indeed, it is not listed in India, although the distribution map
>>>>>>> (if accurate) in POWO, shows its distribution bordering Ladakh. Ladakh
>>>>>>> checklist by L. Klimeš and B. Dickoré
>>>>>>> <https://www.butbn.cas.cz/ladakh/checklist.html> mentions *Tamarix
>>>>>>> ramosissima* in Ladakh. I don't know how updated it is.
>>>>>>>     Tabish
>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> <http://www.flowersofindia.net>www.flowersofindia.net
>>>>>>> The waterhole of flower lovers
>>>>>>> On Sun, Nov 8, 2020 at 2:01 PM J.M. Garg <jmga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Pl. check Tamarix ramosissima in FOI
>>>>>>>> <http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Salt%20Cedar.html>
>>>>>>>> Neither POWO
>>>>>>>> <http://www.plantsoftheworldonline.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:828110-1>
>>>>>>>>  nor
>>>>>>>> Catalogue of Life
>>>>>>>> <https://www.catalogueoflife.org/col/details/species/id/5b3e537a8481c936d30d915b64557846>
>>>>>>>>  give
>>>>>>>> any distibution of *Tamarix* *ramosissima* Ledeb. in India (also
>>>>>>>> in BSI Flora of India as per details at Tamarix
>>>>>>>> <https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/species/m---z/t/tamaricaceae/tamarix>
>>>>>>>> ‎).
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> With regards,
>>>>>>>> J.M.Garg
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> With regards,
>>>>>> J.M.Garg
>>>> --
>>>> With regards,
>>>> J.M.Garg
> --
> With regards,
> J.M.Garg

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