The issue of what actually Parijaat Tree is was never resolved. Here
are the list of species which are being talked about. I personally own
the stamp of Adansonia paintings on it....but that doesnt qualify it
to be Parijaat tree......
Other qualifiers are:
Cocos nucifera
Ficus benghalensis
Ficus relgiosa
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis...
and may be many more....
Adansonia digitata is the one which doesnt qualify at all....WHY????
Just because it was introduced by Britishers and may be Portuguese
which happened much later than the actual origin of the vedas where
the first mention of Parijaat tree comes..... One many of the ancient
engraving which shows kalpavriksha or the Parijaat tree on rocks and
caves in temples across many places in India and abroad, sometimes
depicts a climber. Even if it does show a tree, it never shows a
palmate leaf.
I wish someone really does some sincere work on this and come out with
good results.

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