... whoever ... in howsoever mildest form (attempts to) ask such question
... can be visualized pulling his / her hair off the head !!!

Dear Selvalakshmi ji ... me too am with you for seeking the answer.
Just yesterday, have posted similar query regarding *Arivela* and *Tarenaya*


On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 5:04 PM, nivi tha <nevath...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> Can anybody tell what is the actual reason for changing the species and
> genus name after it was named even they had named correctly earlier.
> For eg: *Tamilnadia uliginosa *(Correct name) Syn. *Gardenia uliginosa* ,
> *Randia uliginosa*. etc., here what is the reason for changing he genus
> name from Gardenia to Tamilnadia. Please give reasons for my doubt.
> --
> Selvalakshmi S.
> Doctoral Scholar,
> Bhjarathiar Universtiy,
> Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.

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