Dear All,

I am herewith attached the  abstract of a paper entitled* "Why are Plant
Names Changing so Much? by** Alan S Weakley.*

*I think this will solve your doubts.*




The scientific names of planes continue to change, seemingly at a faster
rate than ever, which challenges the broad and diverse group of users of
those names. Why do names change? Some changes are nomenclatural. while the
majority result from new research and judgments about the taxonomy of
plants. A variety of factors contribute to the level of changes. Traditional
plant taxonomists continue to discover plants and reclassify those already
known. New molecular phylogenetic techniques provide new data that clarifies
taxonomy, especially at the level of the genus and above, resulting in
changes in the circumscription of genera. A more worldwide community of
plant taxonomy has emerged, fostered by the Internet, and taxonomic studies
have broader geographic perspectives, resulting in changed opinions about
relationships and more rapid communication of those changes. In the art of
plant taxonomy, the “splitters” have largely regained influence, after a
period of several decades in which “lumpers” were generally in the
ascendancy, at least in North America. The result is a large number of name
changes in plants, challenging many users, particularly those who are not
professional taxonomists—land managers, ecologists, gardeners, and
conservationists. A greater effort by authors of floras and other products
designed for use by the broad botanical community should make the effort to
communicate the changes and reasons behind them.
*Native Plants Journal* *
Spring 2005, Vol. 6, No. 1* * : Pages 53-58
*Why are Plant Names Changing so Much?*
*Alan S Weakley*
* (doi: 10.2979/NPJ.2005.6.1.53) *

On 20 July 2010 17:21, Dinesh Valke <> wrote:

> ... whoever ... in howsoever mildest form (attempts to) ask such question
> ... can be visualized pulling his / her hair off the head !!!
> Dear Selvalakshmi ji ... me too am with you for seeking the answer.
> Just yesterday, have posted similar query regarding *Arivela* and *
> Tarenaya*.
> Regards.
> On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 5:04 PM, nivi tha <> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Can anybody tell what is the actual reason for changing the species and
>> genus name after it was named even they had named correctly earlier.
>> For eg: *Tamilnadia uliginosa *(Correct name) Syn. *Gardenia uliginosa* ,
>> *Randia uliginosa*. etc., here what is the reason for changing he genus
>> name from Gardenia to Tamilnadia. Please give reasons for my doubt.
>> --
>> Selvalakshmi S.
>> Doctoral Scholar,
>> Bhjarathiar Universtiy,
>> Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.

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