Sorry for coming in late. I can see calyx not winged, flowers
pedicellate and pedicels not winged (to rule out C. decussata). Can't
go with the colour either. Can you indicate the size of the corolla?
If the calyx is keeled it could be C. khandalensis. If the pedicels
are winged, it could be C. pauciflora. Need more info to be sure.
Regards, Shrikant

On Jan 26, 12:01 pm, Prashant awale <> wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I had seen this small herb with white flowers. Leaves small (approx 10-
> 12mm), opposite, sessile.
> This looks like some Canscora sp. (Gentianaceae Family). This is for the
> first time i had seen Canscora sp. with white flowers.
> Date/ Time: 17-01-2011 / 02:45PM
> Location: In the forest cover near Kalikale village Off  "Ankola-Yalapur Rd
> head, Karnataka.
> Habitat: Wild
> Plant Habt: Herb.
> regards
> Prashant
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