Shrikant ji
Issue is:
Is there really a valid specific epithet augustifolia?
Our analysis points perhaps it is not.
The meaning of angustifolia was explained by Pankaj ji in his first post in
the thread.

Dr. Gurcharan Singh
Retired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Phone: 011-25518297  Mob: 9810359089

On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 12:07 PM, shrikant ingalhalikar <
> wrote:

> Permit me to add etymological meaning of angustifolia as 'narrow-
> leaved'. Does that sort out the issue? Regards,
> On Feb 6, 8:05 am, Gurcharan Singh <> wrote:
> > It is really interesting
> >
> >    -
> >
> >    Amaranthaceae *Iresine* *augustifolia*
> > Euphrasen<
> >     -- Beskr. St. Barthel. 165. (IK)
> >
> >    -
> >
> >       Amaranthaceae *Iresine* *angustifolia* Hort. ex
> > Moq.<
> >        -- Prodr. (DC.) 13(2): 343. 1849 [5 May 1849] (IK)
> >
> >       -
> >
> >       Amaranthaceae *Iresine* *angustifolia* Rich. ex
> > Moq.<
> >        -- Prodr. (DC.) 13(2): 348, 353. 1849 [5 May 1849] (IK)
> >
> >       (Last two missing from The Plant List)
> >
> >    -
> >
> >    Asclepiadaceae *Fockea* *augustifolia*
> > K.Schum.<
> >     -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 17(1-2): 146. 1893 [9 May 1893] (IK)
> >
> >    -
> >
> >       Asclepiadaceae *Fockea* *angustifolia*
> > K.Schum.<
> >        -- Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 17(1-2): 146. 1893 [9 May 1893] ; in IK
> Suppl. 1
> >       as 'augustifolia' (IK)
> >
> >       (augustifolia again missing from The Plant List)
> >
> >    -
> >
> >    Asteraceae *Laggera* *augustifolia*
> > Hayata<
> >     -- Icon. Pl. Formosan. 8: 54. 1919 [25 Mar 1919] (IK)
> >
> >    IPNI does not have entry for Laggera angustifolia
> >
> >    (The Plant List has *Laggera* *alata* var. *angustifolia* (Hayata)
> > Yamam.<> as
> >    well as *Laggera* *angustifolia*
> > Hayata<> but
> >    none for Laggera augustifolia)
> >
> >    -
> >
> >    Ebenaceae *Diospyros* *augustifolia* (Miq.)
> > Kosterm.<
> >     -- Ceylon J. Sci., Biol. Sci. 12(2): 106 (1977). (IK)
> >
> >    -
> >
> >       Ebenaceae *Diospyros* *angustifolia* Audib. ex
> > Spach<
> >        -- Hist. Nat. Vég. (Spach) 9: 405. 1840 [15 Aug 1840] (IK)
> >
> >       (The Plant List has *Diospyros* *angustifolia* Audib. ex
> > Spach<> as
> >       well as *Diospyros* *angustifolia* (Miq.)
> > Kosterm.<>
> > [Illegitimate]
> >       but not Diospyros augustifolia)
> >
> >    -
> >
> >    Lecythidaceae *Eschweilera* *augustifolia*
> > Mart.<
> >     -- Flora 20(2, Beibl.): 89. 1837 (IK)
> >
> >    IPNI does not have an entry for *Eschweilera angustifolia*
> >
> >    (The Plant List has *Eschweilera* *angustifolia*
> > Mart.<> but
> >    no entry for Eschweilera augustifolia)
> >
> >    -
> >
> >    Monimiaceae *Hortonia* *augustifolia*
> > Trim.<
> >     -- Syst. Cat. Fl. Pl. Ceylon (1885) 75 et Handl. Fl. Ceyl. iii. 437.
> >    (IK)
> >
> >    IPNI does not have an entry for Hortonia Hortonia angustifolia
> >
> >    (The Plant has both *Hortonia* *angustifolia*
> > Trim.<> as
> >    well as *Hortonia* *augustifolia*
> > Trimen<> with
> >    same citation and same page number) but then we have seen the link
> >
> >
> >
> >    -
> >
> >    Orchidaceae *Eria* *augustifolia* Ridl. ex
> > Stapf<
> >     -- Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 4(2): 237. 1894 [1894-96 publ. Dec
> >    1894] (IK)
> >
> >    IPNI does not have an entry for Eria angustifolia
> >
> >    (The Plant List has *Eria* *angustifolia*
> > Ridl.<> as
> >    well as *Eria* *augustifolia* Ridl. ex
> > ...
> >
> > read more »

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