I love this group ( and have never failed to try to get friends, relatives
and anyone who has the time to listen to me involved in it ) because of the
selfless way those with knowledge reach out to help in ID-ing and clarifying
doubts of others, be they junior botanists or lay people like me.

I have been told that I am a fool to give my pictures ( which I am
inordinately proud of at times, since I am a Point-and-Shoot photographer,
who is irritated by F-length and aperture etc.) to be used by all and
sundry, but I feel I should be proud to follow in the footsteps of Garg-ji
who has thrown open his huge collection to the world at large.
 One is remined that "Not by bread alone...."

Each good catch thrills me no end so though I know that I will not make any
money out of it, I have the rich glow of satisfaction of adding to the bank
of illustrated knowledge of Indian flora.

Since I am at the fag end of my professional career, ( fortunately as of
now, gynaecologists  in private practice are not given the pink slip at age
58 ) it is good to have an absorbing hobby which can be pursued while
remaining in the city, where I am on call at all times.

My thanks go out to the moderators and senior members of the group for
maintaining decorum and to all others for adding colour to the exchanges.

 With regards,
Padmini Raghavan.

On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 8:06 PM, Gurcharan Singh <singh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Why I love Efloraofindia?

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