What a beautiful flower and the photographs!

On Aug 21, 5:43 pm, Na Bha <nabha-megh...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Here are two fotos of Herbstzeitlose Colchicum autumnale
> Other names are autumn Crocus, meadow saffron or naked lady,
> but it is NOT Saffran.
> The name "naked lady" comes from the fact that the flowers emerge from
> the ground long after the leaves have died back.
> Fotos taken on 18. Sept. 2010 in my garden in Ritterhude.
> I don't find any fotos of the leaves, perhaps i did not take any. Shall
> do next year.
> Regards
> Nalini
>  100_8705.JPG
> 71KViewDownload
>  100_8703.JPG
> 36KViewDownload

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