Thank you Mahadeswaraji, Yazdiji and Pinkiji. Pinkiji yes the description of
the leaves so aptly resembles  plumage of the
bird and coarse horse hair.
Just wondering why are Botanical names so difficult? Are they Latin words?


On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Pinki <> wrote:

> Casuarina equisitifolia.....
> Casuarina is the word taken from Cassowary, a bird, refers to the
> supposed resemblance of the twigs of the species to the plumage of
> bird), equisetifolia (“equinus”= horse, + “folium” = leaf, refers to
> the drooping twigs, which are suggestive of coarse horse hair)
> Alok
> On Aug 22, 12:24 am, Madhuri Raut <> wrote:
> > Respected members
> > kindly identify the tree with following specifications. I could not
> > photograph it well as it is a very tall tree amongst other trees.  It has
> > thin leaves in bunches with whitish glassy shiny tips. they look like
> green
> > fibre glass whorls. The lowest branch had tiny red flowers all along. The
> > tree was full of round small berry like fruits. The spiny seeds(i think)
> had
> > fallen down which I have photographed
> >
> > Date/Time-  August 2011
> >
> > Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Pune Maharashtra
> >
> > Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Garden
> >
> > Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-   tree
> >
> > Height/Length- very tall
> >
> > Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-  green thin strips in bunches with shiny tips
> >
> > Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-  small red flowers all along the
> branch
> >
> > Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds-  woody hard seeds
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Bhagyashri
> >
> >  aa.JPG
> > 212KViewDownload
> >
> >  210820111564.jpg
> > 240KViewDownload

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