Very Nice catch Ushadi Ji

On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 6:02 PM, ushadi Micromini

> Dear All:
> This is a new plant for me... never knew cotton plants would go on and on
> for years... this one does apparently... look at its stem... its about 8 - 9
> inches in diameter...  I always thought cotton plants were a yearly
> affair... may be the agricultural pathos had brainwashed me/us...
> This was in a well tended herbal Garden ... for demonstration purposes to
> Ethnomedicine and other students..
> Family :          Malvaceae
> * *
> *Species:         Thespesia  lampus*  (Cav.) Dalz. Ex. Dalz. & Gibs.  ;
>                       Syn:   *Azanzas lampas* (Cav.) Alef.;
>                                 *Thespesia macrophylla* Blume
> Vernacular names :    Bengali:       Ban Kapas  *  *বন*‌ *কাপাস
>                                  Gujarati:      Jungli Para piplo  જંગલી*‌
> *પ।રસ પીપળો
> This specimen was about 9-10 feet tall, grew kinda straight up, had a few
> flowers,   I went in 4 pm , so the flowers were closing, but the petal color
> was still beautiful pink... and a few pods high up had opened up to reveal
> the cotton.  The leaves were varied in size... largest were 7-8 inches long.
> What is used is:  Various tribes use differently... Some use flower paste
> for burn,  root paste  for eczema,  juice of young pods on Scabies.  I found
> it very curious that Santhals of Bengal mix  juice of its stem bark and
> Aristolochia indica root paste on snake bite....  this we learned in class.
> But along a Bengal village by the Damodar river we found an old lady who
> said she had in the past used the root bark juice to induce miscarriage (
> this is quite opposite to the effect of Thepesia populinea root bark paste
> effect... which says it helps women get pregnant, esp get a male child...
> curiouser and curiouser!!!)
> Come to think of it ... similar plant had been growing beyond the wall of
> students' garden at a Ayurvedic college... and the local young gardeners,
> very sheepishly asked us not to photograph it...
> there was so much else to learn that we did not pursue that tree...  but I
> distinctly remember it had cotton pods.. round ones , just like this one...
> Thanks..
> Usha di


Dr Balkar Singh
Head, Deptt. of Botany and Biotechnology
Arya P G College, Panipat

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