Hi all,

Just see the following link.
French Institute of Pondicherry disseminating the floral information of
Western Ghats through the web.

With kind regards,


On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 10:57 AM, J.M. Garg <jmga...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am not finding many responses in this regard.
> Does anybody have any information about any organisation (howsoever small),
> who will be putting up (or toying with the idea, making efforts etc.) any
> worthwhile data w.r.t. Indian Flora on net so that it's available for all to
> see?
> Till than I think we have to manage with whatever we have on
> 'Indiantreepix' or 'Flowers Of India' or 'Wikipedia/ Allied Organisations'.
> 2009/8/15 Gurcharan Singh <sin...@sify.com>
>  Dear colleagues
>> Let me first put on record the great service rendered by Mr J. M. Garg and
>> the contributers of Indiantreepix. Mr Garg is the driving force for this
>> great initiative which is helping hundreds of nature lovers and botanists.
>> Having said that I largely agree with Mr Vijasankar for a need to have a
>> single complilation of the Indian Flora. We may have few volumes of Flora of
>> India, many regional floras (which only means duplication of effort, and
>> often conflicting interpretation), but these pertain to diiferent time
>> periods, can't provide updated information. More so these are not easily
>> available to general user, and only those associated with large institions
>> have access to these.
>>     The approach to dissemination of botanical knowledge, and with the
>> availability of cameras which can shoot real time pictures, the utilisation
>> of colour photographs has greatly eased the process of identification, a
>> fact vividly shown by interactions in our group. Many recent books on plant
>> systematics now use photographs are plants and plant parts in place of line
>> drawings. These can be easily related to the live plants.
>>    I think the begining can be made to attempt an eflora for our country.
>> There are several experts in this group (and outside the group who may be
>> interested) who are quite competent to compile information on the pattern of
>> efloras of China, Pakistan, Missouri, etc. Each expert can choose a few
>> families which he/she thinks can handle best, and has good literature
>> about. Once this has been done, other members can send all relevant
>> information available to them.
>>    This group is lucky to have such a large database of photographs of
>> flowering plants. With links to these photographs Indian eflora should
>> become much more valuable than existing efloras.
>> Views of other members may help in reaching a concrete result.
>> Gurcharan Singh
>>  ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* J.M. Garg <jmga...@gmail.com>
>> *To:* wildflowerin...@yahoogroups.com
>> *Cc:* indiantreepix <indiantreepix@googlegroups.com> ; 
>> Tabish<tabi...@gmail.com>; Dinesh
>> Valke <dinesh.va...@gmail.com> ; Gurcharan Singh-sify <sin...@sify.com> ;
>> subhash.s...@gmail.com ; Swapna Prabhu <swapnapra...@gmail.com> ; Rani
>> Bhagat <raanibha...@gmail.com> ; Shrikant 
>> Ingalhalikar<le...@rediffmail.com>; pradeep
>> krishen <treesofde...@gmail.com> ; Ashwin Baindur<ashwin.bain...@gmail.com>; 
>> Asad
>> Rahmani <rahmani.a...@gmail.com> ; L. Shyamal <muscic...@gmx.net> ; L.
>> Shyamal <lshya...@gmail.com> ; bsi_headquar...@rediffmail.com ;
>> bsip...@yahoo.com
>> *Sent:* Saturday, August 15, 2009 2:55 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [indiantreepix:15679] Quest for 'e-flora' of India
>>   Thanks, Vijayasankar ji for your feedback.
>> I feel to start with, we need to put whatever we have (even if
>> conflicting) on the net as has been done by A.P. Govt. for *Forest Flora
>> of Hyderabad State *at
>> http://forest.ap.nic.in/Forest%20Flora%20of%20Andhra%20Pradesh/Flora%20by%20M%20Sharfuddin%20Khan/index.htm
>>  (just
>> to give an example).
>> Is it difficult? Not at all. It's so useful without going into any
>> nitty-gritty.
>> Similar attempts can be made by all the State Govt., BSI etc. Let all the
>> books whose copyright has expired, be also digitised & put on net.
>> See what Wikipedia has done for making available information on the Flora
>> in such a short time. It's not a question of putting all the 19000 or so
>> species all at the same time or all the latest updated inf. at the same
>> time. Let it be done by all concerned for their respective areas for
>> whatever species they have. All the State & Indian Floras (in print) should
>> be put on net without any further delay. I don't think it requires much
>> energy or amount to do so. Standard formats are already there to see for
>> other Floras or can be designed suitably without much fuss.
>> 2009/8/14 vijayasankar <r.vijayasan...@frlht.org>
>>> Dear Garg and all,
>>> This is in quest of 'e-flora' for India.
>>> Can we develop an e-flora of India?, is a million dollar (sorry, crores
>>> of rupees) question.
>>> I personally feel that it is neither impossible, nor a very easy task.
>>> But it is there in everybody's mind as an unfulfilled dream/ expectation. It
>>> is the need of the hour. It is clear that neither an individual nor an ngo
>>> can do it without support from the government. It should be a combined
>>> effort and the output would be a national asset.
>>> Just adding pictures into the web can not be called as an e-flora, i
>>> think. It has to be technically strong and authentic. It has to have
>>> elaborate, uniform, complete and verified info on each and every taxon. It
>>> has to be regularly updated.
>>> Preparing Flora of India is a mandate of Botanical Survey of India. But,
>>> the questions [with no intention to blame the effort and commitment of any
>>> individual or institution] in everybody's mind are, when that will happen?,
>>> what is the proportion completed ever since the project started in 1970s?
>>> how long we have to wait to have an electronic flora for the country in the
>>> world wide web for everyone's access?
>>> is it not our right to know the information - about our country's plant
>>> wealth?
>>> most of the time we have to rely on the Flora of British India, Flora of
>>> Presidency of Madras, etc. to identify our plants owing to lack of updated
>>> flora for many states as well as country. The positive truth is that the
>>> data is there but highly scattered and/or inaccessible.
>>> So, how to go about it? i view like this:
>>> * an 'eflora' team/ forum should be set up forming interested and
>>> technically sound experts as well as young field botanists and plant lovers.
>>> BSI or IAAT should be the nodal agency and other research / academic
>>> institutions will be part of the forum (personal opinion only).
>>> * prepare an updated checklist of all flowering plants of India [we know
>>> that Dr. S. Karthikeyan, a renowned scientist (retd.) of BSI has compiled
>>> list of all flowering plants of India (about 19500 taxa, as of the year
>>> 2000) -- that should form the basis].
>>> * prepare a standard format for collection of data. The collection /
>>> digitization of data should be from different sources e.g. published
>>> literature, data from all the herbaria, ph.d. theses, state/regional
>>> biodiversity resource compilations, private databases, etc. Each information
>>> should have a reference attached to it.
>>> * append drawings/ pictures of each taxon
>>> * regularly update the e-flora with new findings, distribution records
>>> etc.
>>> we understand that it is a mammoth task.
>>> So, to start with, can we do like this?
>>> Let's prepare a digital flora of India with quality authentic pictures
>>> with botanical & local names for all the fl.plants of India for immediate
>>> use.
>>> Slowly with support (time, effort & sharing of knowledge) from
>>> members/volunteers let us widen and deepen up the digital flora with
>>> relevant data to make it an e-flora of India.
>>> With regards
>>> R. Vijaya Sankar
>>> Botanist, FRLHT, Bangalore
>>> 9448970441
>>> J.M. Garg wrote:
>>>   Thanks, Ashwin ji for sharing it.
>>> Wonderfully written by Shyamal ji. Some relevant extracts
>>> "Indeed it is hard to understand why the Zoological Survey of 
>>> India<http://www.zsi.gov.in/>,
>>> the Botanical Survey of India <http://envfor.nic.in/bsi/>, and the Bombay
>>> Natural History Society <http://www.bnhs.org/>, all of which receive
>>> public funds from the Ministry of Environment and Forests should not scan
>>> and make its library and specimen collections publicly available. In the
>>> meantime, as individuals, one can do their bit by sharing their daily
>>> learning and adding a drop of knowledge into the ocean."
>>> I have been emphasising for creation of *e-Flora of India* on the lines
>>> of e-Flora of china, e-Flora of Pakistan, e-Flora of Nepal etc. for sharing
>>> vast knowledge that we have with us. Is anybody listening? Earlier *
>>> Indiantreepix* thread in this regard:
>>> http://groups.google.co.in/group/indiantreepix/browse_thread/thread/7aba8eb1b7d99b56
>>>  2009/8/10 Ashwin Baindur <ashwin_bain...@yahoo.com>
>>>> The primary problem Indian naturalists
>>>> face is lack of access to suitable information and knowledge about
>>>> their own biodiversity.
>>>> Very often, this knowledge exists but is
>>>> locked up in the minds and notes of experts. The common man is denied
>>>> access to the fruits of  research, very often most of which has been
>>>> funded by public money. Among the many inequalities in India, a de
>>>> facto caste  system separates those involved in science from those
>>>> interested in science....
>>>> Read on a thought-provoking opinion piece by Shyamal at the link given
>>>> below -
>>>> http://thebutterflydiaries.wordpress.com/2009/08/09/open-science/
>>>> Warm regards,
>>>> Ashwin Baindur
>>>> -
>>>   __._,_.___
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>>> __,_._,___
>> --
>> With regards,
>> J.M.Garg (jmga...@gmail.com)
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jmgarg1
>> 'Creating awareness of Indian Flora & Fauna'
>> Image Resource of thousands of my images of Birds, Butterflies, Flora etc.
>> (arranged alphabetically & place-wise):
>> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:J.M.Garg
>> For learning about Indian Flora, visit/ join Google e-group-
>> Indiantreepix:http://groups.google.co.in/group/indiantreepix?hl=en
> --
> With regards,
> J.M.Garg (jmga...@gmail.com)
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Jmgarg1
> 'Creating awareness of Indian Flora & Fauna'
> Image Resource of thousands of my images of Birds, Butterflies, Flora etc.
> (arranged alphabetically & place-wise):
> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:J.M.Garg
> For learning about Indian Flora, visit/ join Google e-group- Indiantreepix:
> http://groups.google.co.in/group/indiantreepix?hl=en
> >

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