Thanks Dr. Santhosh & Dr. Pankaj,
As you rightly said, traditionally the white (flowered) variety of several
plants have been considered more efficacious. e.g. Calotropis, Clitoria,
Hygrophila, Abrus, Martynia, Desmodium gangeticum etc. While this feature
(only two colours) is distinct in some plants, in some it is highly
variable. Infact, i noticed few intermediate forms of Hygrophila with blue,
pink and purple flowers in Chhattisgarh among the regular ones, in the same
population. You could see these colour variation in Abrus too. So, there is
always difference of opinion that whether the white-flowered ones to be
treated as a separate variety or not.
With regards

R. Vijayasankar
FRLHT, Bangalore

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