
Here a description of the problem:

The file /etc/inetd.conf needs to be edited so inetd knows to run the command
'cvs pserver' when it receives a connection on the right port.
By default, the port number is 2401.
The '--allow-root' option specifies the allowable CVSROOT directory.
If there is more than one CVSROOT directory, the option must be repeated.

For each (new) repository the corresponding CVSROOT directory must be entered as
an '--allow-root' option in the 'inetd.conf' file!! (otherwise a connection
will not be allowed).
Since no more than five arguments are allowed in the field (in inetd.conf)
specifying the portlistener command, this limits the maximum number of (distinct)
repositories to three(3) (cvs and pserver already count for two!).

Is there a work-around (better: a solution!) for this problem?
In other words: How can we make inetd work with more than three repositories.

P.S. We need the inetd configuration to use, within CVS, the pserver functionality, 
which in turn is necessary in order to use WinCVS as a Windows Client to the CVS 

Thanks for your help,

Guido Duerinckx
Björn Quirynen

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