Mensaje citado de [EMAIL PROTECTED] el 10/09/2003 10:00:
When I ran ssh -v I noticed that the generated key was not accepted
by the remote server. Any ideas?

The directory .ssh must be chmoded 700 (only owner can cd into it), while the file authorized_keys inside can be chmoded whatever you like. This, on the remote side. On the local side, check that permissions for the private key file are proper. In my case, id_rsa is chmoded 600.

Maybe, also, one of the users has listed a valid shell at /etc/passwd, while the other has not.

Good luck.

Regards, Ismael
Ismael Valladolid Torres, Technical Support
Oberthur Card Systems, Bajo Oficina C, Edificio Valrealty B
28023 La Florida - Madrid (Spain) -
Tel. +34 917 355 461 - Fax: +34 917 355 453

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