Does anyone know of such a script?  I wrote a short perl script that opens up a template file and fills in the info passed by CVS when the script is run and then gives control to the user to fill in details of why and for who the build was tagged.  The problem is that when I tag a whole directory structure, it creates a log file in every subdirectory also.  This may or may not be bad, but the problem is that the user has to duplicate their comments in every version of the tag.log file.
I have attached the script and the template that I wrote (be kind - I am not really a programmer:).  Note that the TagLog.Template must be in a directory called /home/projects/CVSROOT to work as is.  If anyone has a simple way to fix my script, that would be nice, but if you know of a canned script that does the same kind of thing, I would appreciate that too.  I don't have to do this it just has to get done.

Attachment: TagLog.Template
Description: Binary data

Description: Perl program

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