Current Scenario

1. I have created a CVS repository.
2. I want to limit those who can EDIT files which belong to the repository. To accomplish this purpose, I have created a UNIX group and have assigned all the files in the repository with that group.
3. I used the "cvs watch on" command to make sure that files checked out by those belonging to the aforementioned UNIX group are read-only and they would have to issue the command "cvs edit" to make the checked out files read-write.

Problem Description

4. At the same time, I want to enable anyone outside of that group to be able to retrieve files from the repository without giving them the ability to edit


1. Is this possible using CVS? Or does anyone who retrieves files from the repository absolutely has to have write permissions to create lock files?
2. If it is possible, how can I implement it?

Thank you in advance for your help.


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