On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Daniels, David F wrote:

> I think the reason is the link found at the bottom of most list messages
> doesn't provide an obvious and easy way to unsubscribe. Most people are
> smart enough to unsubscribe themselves if given the opportunity.

 ... and ...
> Why do we get unsubscribe messages here? shouldn't they be blocked by the
> group mailer itself. First thing about mailing lists is that they don't pass
> information of who has subscribed to this group.

... and ...
> Please unsubscribe me from group. 
> Regards 
> Bukya 


The answer with a community developed project, such as
Mailman, is that many are willing to offer suggestions and
even once implemented, some end users "just don't get the

If a method to induce people to use only MUA's which do not
hide this information, and which imbues the reader with the
comon sense to USE that information is designed and works,
please let me know <grin>.  I'll market and make a fortune.

(Administrivia filter) Check postings and intercept ones that
                  seem to be administrative requests?

is on ... but this piece was not caught, for some reason.  I
manually unsubscribed him, and will do so for like in the

-- Russ

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