I failed in establishing the connection between the CVS1.11 Server which i
installed on Linux(Kernel 2.2.16-22) and WinCVS1.2 Client which i installed
on Windows98. Whenever i try to login from WinCVS1.2 to CVS1.11 server, iam
getting the following response.
NEW CVSROOT: :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvs111 (password
cvs login 
(Logging in to [EMAIL PROTECTED])
cvs login: authorization failed: server rejected access to /home/cvs111 for
user cvs111

*****CVS exited normally with code 0*****
Iam unable to find out the exact error, where it is happening? Please shred
some light on me. Here iam giving the steps that i have followed in
configuring the CVS1.11 Server on Linux and WinCVS1.2 Client on Windows 98.

Configuration of CVS1.11 Server on Linux (Kernel 2.2.16-22):
1) Logged in as root and created an username "cvs111"
2) Logged in again as user, cvs111, and run the following command to create
the CVS repository at /home/cvs111.
        $cvs -d /home/cvs111 init
3)Manually I have created a passwd file called passwd in home/cvs111/CVSROOT
and added the following single as the entry in the passwd file which allows
the user cvs111 without the password.

4)I added the following line in the /etc/inetd.conf file
cvspserver stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/cvs cvs -f
--allow-root=/home/cvs111 pserver

5) And also added the following line to /etc/services
cvspserver 2401/tcp

After adding these lines i have restarted the Linux system in order to
reflect these changes in the run time environment of the system.
Here iam giving the file/dir permission  details of CVS Server on Linux

drwxrwxrwx    6 cvs111   cvs111       4096 Jan 27 18:38 cvs111 (Here cvs111
is /home/cvs111 which is my username and also the respository)
drwxrwxr-x     3 cvs111   cvs111       4096 Jan 27 18:38 CVSROOT

Configuration of WinCVS1.2 Client  on Windows98:
1)In the WinCVS1.2 client, i have given the CVSROOT as
:pserver:cvs111@[hostname]:/home/cvs111 at Admin-->Preferences-->General and
mentioned authentication process thru "passwd" file on the cvs server.
2) Now i tried to login to Linux CVS server thru Admin-->Login. But the got
the repsonse which i mentioned in very above and also mentioning below and
thus failed to log on to the cvs server thru WinCVS1.2 client.
NEW CVSROOT: :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvs111 (password
cvs login 
(Logging in to [EMAIL PROTECTED])
cvs login: authorization failed: server rejected access to /home/cvs111 for
user cvs111

*****CVS exited normally with code 0*****

Please help..............
Thanks in advance,

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