>From the looks of it, it would seem that CVSNT has forked permanently from CVS. Is this true?
(They seem to be hacking away madly on the CVSNT side, adding features, some of which are generally useful, and some of which are NT-specific, and also doing some massive merge-unfriendly reformatting changes to the source.) If this is indeed the case, would anyone be interested in back-ports of a few interesting (high reward, low effort and risk) features like "cvs passwd" and "cvs ls"? I could see my way around to trying to port a couple of these features.. -- Shankar. PS Someone should go and nuke that "info-cvs" "group" in groups.yahoo.com - I tried subscribing to that one and posting a couple of times there before I caught on that it's a dead group.. _______________________________________________ Info-cvs mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/info-cvs