> From: Toby Tremayne [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 1:09 PM
> To:   info cvs
> Subject:      newbie pserver question
> I know this is going to seem really naive, but I'm really stuck with this.
> I've installed CVS pserver on a linux box and it seems to work quite
> happily.  What I'm trying to do now is test a bunch of mac and windows
> clients.  I've started with WinCVS.
> My situation is this - my predecessor installed CVS on a redhat linux box.
> The repository is in /cvs which is a symbolic link to a samba mounted
> drive
> on a faraway windows server.  So, obviously, the repository itself is
> actually on the windows box.
Many people have written to info-cvs saying it's a bad idea
getting to repository files via network file systems. 
Danger of repository corruption.
Much better to have repository on local filesystem of machine
where the cvs server runs.

> Now, some of our developer machines have been using wincvs to connect to
> that repository.  What I'm failing to get into my thick skull is exactly
> how
> the client know where the server is - the CVSROOT setting is
> :pserver:steve@devServer2:f:/code (for example).
The f: in that name makes me think your predecessor may have
used the nt pserver port http://www.cvsnt.org/ to run the pserver
on a windows nt machine.

> So does the client then find that server/folder and use the /CVSROOT files
> to determine how to talk to the cvs server?  Because I'm kind of stumped
> to
> be perfectly honest.  I'm pretty new to unix I'm afraid, so I'm obviously
> missing something major here.

> To make sure I understand it and can maintain it, I've been setting up a
> new
> server, on a different box.  The difference is that the repository is
> local
> to that cvs server.
> So can anyone tell me what the CVSROOT variable should be on the client
> machine, if the cvspserver is on a host called GOA and the repository is
> in
> /cvs ???
Assuming your cvs username is tobytremayne,

> I've been through all the documentation I can find so I must just be
> reading
> something wrong, I'd really appreciate any pointers I can get.
> cheers,
> Toby
> Toby Tremayne
> Code Poet and Zen Master of the Heavy Sleep
> Show Ads Interactive
> 359 Plummer St
> Port Melbourne
> VIC 3207
> P +61 3 9245 1247
> F +61 3 9646 9814
> ICQ UIN  13107913
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