Dear readers of this list,

in our company we are currently looking for a new version control system
for our next project.  In general the decision is made that we want to use
CVS.  But because we are writing software for aircraft we have to obey
some special quality requirements (ISO 9000 and RTCA/DO 178B).

This means that not only our software has to be tested very detailed, but
also we have to use qualified tools.  I.e. we must prove, that all the
tools we use are suited for their task and are doing it correctly.  For
this it would be very helpfull to have some external references.

Therefore I would like to ask:  Did one of you use CVS for an avionics or
another safety-critical project, or do you know of someone who has used
CVS for this kind of project ?

It would be very nice if somebody can give me a hint.


aerodata Flugmesstechnik GmbH          Email   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lars-Christian Schulze                 WWW
Hermann-Blenk-Str. 36                  Voice   +49 531 2359-188
D-38108 Braunschweig                   Fax     +49 531 2359-158

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