Hello Jim,

* On Fri, Apr 08, 2005 at 11:02:41AM -0400 Jim.Hyslop wrote:
> I have sent numerous requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED] asking to have
> him removed (that is the address listed at
> http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/info-cvs as being the owner). I
> have neither received a response from info-cvs-owner, nor has the
> offender been removed from the list. I have not yet tried the
> alternate address, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A good hint, I totally forgot about this.

BTW, at least the first mail address you mentioned is not the one listed
on the given page. ;-) It's gnulist-ownrr (yes, there is a typo in it.
This might be intentionally, or it might not.)

I'll try it myself.


Spiro R. Trikaliotis                              http://cbm4win.sf.net/
http://www.trikaliotis.net/                     http://www.viceteam.org/

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