
 o  CVS 1.11.1p1
 o  Tru64 Unix 4.0F
 o  "configure --with-gssapi" (using MIT Krb5 libs)

  I can't seem to get the --allow-root global option in inetd.conf
to be enforced.

  Authenticating via Kerb5 and accessing the repos. works great,
btw.  The only trouble is, the client can specify any repos. path
they want in the "-d cvsroot" string, as long as they have krb
tickets (sets off my sysadmin warning bells...).

  I'm new to the CVS codebase, but it looks like I could get the
behavior I want by putting a call to root_allow_ok() in server.c:
gserver_authenticate_connection ().  Is this correct (or is there
a simpler way)?

Many thanks,

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