Title: java web app and CVS

Hello everyone,

I want to use CVS for part of the project to do auditing and file diff information, etc...

I have to provide a WEB base framework and GUI to handle this requirements, my question is, is there any way to integrate CVS functionality with java (servlets and JSP pages specially) and have the CVS functionalities and commands in a WEB based GUI. For example we have a bunch of configuration files and I need to keep track of the changes that happens to them and compare them with previous version and give to the user a report, so I am thinking to provide a WEB GUI to list the config files and give this functionalities (diff, version history,...) to the user.

I heard about JCVS but I am not sure how it can help me.

Here is some platform and server info of our development environment if you need to know:

Development OS: Windows and production OS: Sun Solaris 9 or 10

Language: Java

Web/App Server: Tomcat

Any hint and info will be helpful; I will appreciate in advance your help.



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