cyrus murder, mupdate sucking up CPU

2006-03-03 Thread Aleksandar Milivojevic
I've asked about this problem earlier while trying out version 2.3.1. I've just compiled 2.3.3 (Simon's SRPM package) and still having the same problem. This is the show stopper for me for upgrading from 2.2 to 2.3. The problem is mupdate process sucks all CPU cycles it can get. Now for the

when to cleanup imap folders?

2006-03-03 Thread fvgi242ss
I run cyrus 2.1.18-2ubuntu (dapper) and it stores about 300.000 mails. Performance in kmail and squirrelmail is great and everything works as expected. is there a recommendation to cleanup mails in order not to run into trouble with the filesystem? i want to hold as many mails as possible because

Re: SaslAuth + Mysql (SOLVED)

2006-03-03 Thread Nathanael Noblet
Vernon A. Fort> writes: > Cyrus-imap is configured to use saslauthd - saslauthd is configured to > use pam and pam/imap is using the pam_mysql. > > Again, the system would run fine for a few days and then crash. I > discovered this by watching vmstat+top+iostat and not

A little Cyrus Murder help

2006-03-03 Thread squirrelmail
Hi, I am in the process of trying to implement a Cyrus murder environment on an RLX Blade server (1200i blades) running RH 9.0 and a Dell 2650 Windows2000 web server with Squirrelmail. I had everything running on windows with a windows based imap server but the load was just too great and the enti