
we're still stuck with inconstant state file.
This problem happen with differents clients (Thunderbid, Apple Mail, Iphone, webmail,..).

We have just make a tcpdump between a client and the server.
At the beginning of the capture, the client marks a mail with Seen Flag (line 1&2).
Then, he moves the mail to the Trash (line 7 & 8).

Thenseveral of his Seen mails is marked back as Unseen.
I'm not sure that this appears in this capture, doesn't it?
Also, I'm not an expert of the IMAP protocol, are the lines 10, 13, 19 OK?
The numeric tag (2472, 2477) doesn't answer to client's tag and all come from the server.

Is this the standard behavior?

N°   Source  Dest    Length
1    client    server    90 Request: 24 uid store 158136 +Flags (\Seen)
2    server    client    71           Response: 24 OK Completed
3    client    server    63           Request: 25 IDLE
4    server    client    64           Response: + idling
5    client    server    60           Request: DONE
6    server    client    71           Response: 25 OK Completed
7    client    server    88           Request: 27 uid copy 158136 "INBOX.Trash" 8    server    client    106         Response: 27 OK [COPYUID 1125493985 158136 157935] C 9    client    server    99           Request: 28 uid store 158136 +FLAGS (\Deleted \Seen 10    server    client    2974    Response: * 2472 FETCH (FLAGS (\Recent \Deleted \See
11    server    client    148      Response: d NonJunk) UID 158169)
12    client    server    77        Request: 29 uid expunge 158136
13    server    client    115      Response: * 2472 EXPUNGE
14    client    server    63        Request: 30 noop
15    server    client    71        Response: 30 OK Completed
16    client    server    79        Request: 31 getquotaroot "INBOX"
17    server    client    147      Response: * QUOTAROOT INBOX user.bob
18    client    server    85        Request: 32 UID fetch 158174:* (FLAGS)
19    server    client    136      Response: * 2477 FETCH (FLAGS (\Recent \Answered) UI
20    client    server    63        Request: 33 IDLE
21    server    client    64        Response: + idling


Thank for your help,
Ismaël Tanguy


Le 06/06/2019 à 12:21, Ismaël Tanguy a écrit :
Hello cyrus list,

due to a careless mistake, our global NFS pool became full last Monday.
The mail data storage (/var/spool/imap) is a pool of this global pool.
/var/lib/imap is stored somewhere else

During this outage of five minutes, thousand of mailboxes undergo IOERROR.
This mailboxes has been reconstruted immediately after.

But a problem remains, for some users, the seen state of their mailboxes is inconstant.
So, we tried to repair this with skiplist.py:


That did'nt work for some users, (but works for some, weird!)
We then delete the seen state file, but the problem still remains.

Is there anywhere else that the seen state of a mailbox is kept?

Thank four your help.


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