
I'm using cyrus for years now, and have to say that it is a great piece of
software, best fitting to my needs.

Actually I use 2.2 (imap,pop3 amongst others) with Debian stable/testing.

Two days ago I had to recognize that my mail client (thunderbird) only
showed a handful of mails in my inbox when there should be thousands,
reaching approx. 10 years back.

Strange enough, my snapshot backup (faubackup) showed only a few more,
going days, weeks and month back.

I assumed there might be a problem with the disk and tested it thouroughly,
but neither chkdsk nor SMART or other utilities would show errors or

I checked mail logs and aptitude.log as well, but there was nothing of
interest to me, neither updates nor lots of deleted mails, only some
expunged ones, but not too much.

At this very moment I'm recovering files using testdisk - at least

Could one of you tell me whether it's ok to just copy recovered files back
to /var/spool/cyrus/mail/f/user/f-user/ ? Or am I supposed to recover with
cyrus admin tools like:

sudo -u cyrus /usr/sbin/cyrreconstruct -C /etc/imapd.conf -rf user.BENUTZERNAME

The file cyrus.header only contains:

Cyrus mailbox header
"The best thing about this system was that it had lots of goals."
    --Jim Morris on Andrew
NonJunk Junk $Forwarded $MDNSent $Label1 $Label2 $Label3 $Label4 $Label5
frisco    lrswipcda

Any hints to recover my mails are VERY ;) appreciated, as well as
suggestions what might be the cause of the problem.


rheinSinn - A. Bischof
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