, could help.
The imapd could make it too, but if the user
should receive e-mail before he logged in the
first time, we have a problem.
I didn´t find a patch but a hint how to patch.
But the source code has changed (1.6.x ->2.0.13).
Thank you for your help
Dietmar Rahlfs
There wa
ll be no security hole because the
only input will be the already success-
fully checked username (from the NDS).
Or does someone already have a patch?
Dietmar Rahlfs
Algorithm like this:
if IMAP login successful
if not exists user mailbox
create user mailbox
t;new" via package
"Cyrus::IMAP::Admin" at
i586-linux/Cyrus/IMAP/Shell.pm line 430.
And the line 430 is
$cyradm = Cyrus::IMAP::Admin->new($server, $port)
But I need v1.4.1 for *Websieve*. What can I do?
Thank you.
Dietmar Rahlfs
P.S.: I hardly know programming Perl.
o the IMAP subdirectory in the perl5 tree.
Also I copied websieve.pl and funclib.pl to the cgi-bin directory.
OS: Suse Linux 7.1
Dietmar Rahlfs
ctl_mboxlist -u < mailboxes
(The mailbox ascii type file was part of my 1.6.19
Then I reconstructed the whole thing (necessary,
Is this correct and sufficient?
Dietmar Rahlfs
P.S.: Of course /usr/sieve should be copied too.
y messages sent to
I do not have to use the :addresses
option, but in all other cases. This
is what the draft v03 says, I think
(for Unix systems with "hostname" in
the /bin directory).
Dietmar Rahlfs
'":address" string-list' is optional.
Is there a more present document
describing "vacation"?
Dietmar Rahlfs
although I read in the mailing list I could not discover
what I configured wrong.
"Reject" or "fileinto" is no problem, only "vacation".
I know this topic has been discussed a few times, but I
don´t get away with this problem alone.
Thanks - Dietmar Rahl