Hello everyone

I have a challenging situation here at work: Our systems administrator has
left with a lot of important knowledge, among other things administrating
the cyrus imap server.
Unlucky me has to backward engineer everything. I figured out some things,
sometimes by looking at his bash_history file on what to do.
We have qmail set up with cyrus imap server.
I noticed this from the bash history file:
useradd -s /bin/false -c "test3" -m test3
cd ~test3/
vi .qmail
cp .qmail .qmail-default
chown test3 .qmail-default
cyradm localhost 24601

to I try the above and all is ok until I get to cyrus. This is what happens
after the last line above:
localhost userid: cyrus
localhost password:
localhost> cm user.test3
command failed: Permission denied

I can't seem to find documents, help, or people who know anything about this
server to help me.
Any thoughts would be appreciated

Tim Arnold

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