> Rob Siemborski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > No, this is one advantage of single instance store.
> Ah, yes.  Clever.  :-)
> > Failing to provide a feature that no one has ever asked for (until
> > now) isn't "creating a problem."
> Yes, that sounds reasonable.
> Thanks for the rapid replies.  We will probably end up staying with our
> current POP solution unless Outlook proves to behave smart and does not
> delete mail but actually moves it to Trash before trying to EXPUNGE
> (which would then fail because of lacking permissions on that mailbox).
> Erik.

As far as I recall, Eudora has the required functionality - the option of
'mark for deletion' or 'move to specified folder', the folder being either
local or on the IMAP store.

This does, of course, require configuration of each client. Easy if you have
MS SMS, a server based distribution or the like.

Another alternative would be to create your own web-based client. Easily
achievable with PHP and the like.

Failing that, user education is always an option.

And wait... the POP solution is BETTER? I'm glad you backup all the client
data... but isn't that duplication? *slap*

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