We are upgrading a 2.0.16 cyrus imapd installation to 2.2.12.

If I read the docs correctly no database upgrade should be necessary.

We are starting with a vanilla 2.2.12, copied our /var/imap and /mail directories to the new server. Imapd starts but telnet to port 143 hangs:

# telnet localhost 143
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

The load climbs to 6 or so, a few ps |grep imap indicates the system is constantly restarting imapd. We get the following in syslog: Aug 23 11:13:15 unknown imap[20447]: [ID 702911 auth.error] sql_select option missing Aug 23 11:13:15 unknown imap[20447]: [ID 702911 auth.error] auxpropfunc error no mechanism available Aug 23 11:13:15 unknown imap[20447]: [ID 702911 auth.debug] _sasl_plugin_load failed on sasl_auxprop_plug_init for plugin: sql

We tried creating fresh /var/imap with mkimap. The server works fine except of course we have no databases. We get no errors in syslog.

2.0.16 is running on a 280R, Solaris 8.  We are using Berkley db 3.2
2.2.12 is running on a 490, fully patched Solaris 9. We are using Sleepycat 4.2

We experimented with cvt_cyrusdb but it seems there should be no conversion as we're going from berkeley db to berkeleydb.

We also experimented with the berkeley db_dump, db_recover and db_verify. All worked as documented and found no problems with our mailboxes.db.

The  systems  are configured with Sendmail 8.12 and 8.13 respectively.

We are using blastwave packages for cyrus, sasl2, sleepycat, etc. We would _much_ rather not build from scratch if possible.

Any ideas?

thank you.

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