Hi, I am in the process of trying to implement a Cyrus murder environment on an RLX Blade server (1200i blades) running RH 9.0 and a Dell 2650 Windows2000 web server with Squirrelmail. I had everything running on windows with a windows based imap server but the load was just too great and the entire system crawled.
I am in no way a Linux expert so my questions may seem a little sophomoric but hopefully someone can shed some light on pieces that are missing to my puzzle. I am wondering how the squirrelmail which runs on a windows 2000 server webserver (with php,etc installed) is connecting to the murder. I initially put in the FQDN of the mupdate master into the squirrelmail config file (imapserver) but that did not yield access. I then changed it just to the public IP and still nothing. Next the internal IP and again nothing. I then changed it to the backend-server info but got nowhere as well. I plan on having 1 mupdate master, 4 front-ends and 7 backends in this system but I am a little sketchy on how the web service will communicate with all of this. For that matter allowing outlook type clients is also a bit sketchy. I have strained my eyes on the diagram provided but something is just not clicking for me with respect to allowing these different interfaces to communicate with the murder system. I have followed the instructions found on delouw.ch for installing Mysql 4.0/DB4/SASl2/Cyrus-imap 2.3.1/Postifx 2.2.8/pam_mysql and a netstat on each shows a running system. imtest and mupdatetest work from all systems. I then fumbled my way through getting the mupdate master up and running and all tests work fine so I moved on to the backend server. I got that running and I issued the mupdate push command whcih did not display any errors but thr -mw did not display anything either. I moved on to a frontend server and evrything seems to have gone well. I can communicate with each of the servers from the other with imtest through putty but as soon as I try and configure the websystem or outlook to try and communicate with them I get knowwhere. I thought it may be my firewall so I went through my configuration and I am allowing all imap/pop/3905 communications (otherwise I would not be able to communicate throug putty). Thank you for anyone who can fill a few gaps for me ---- Cyrus Home Page: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: http://cyruswiki.andrew.cmu.edu List Archives/Info: http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus/mailing-list.html