I am trying to install Cyrus 2.1.2 using BerkeleyDB 4.0 and SASL 2.1.2. The 
compile and the make go fine but when I start up 
cyrus(/usr/cyrus/bin/master&) and I tail the log file I see the following 

Mar 19 23:23:23 birdbrain master[25255]: process 25257 exited, status 75
Mar 19 23:23:23 birdbrain tls_prune[25259]: incorrect version of Berkeley 
db: co
mpiled against 4.0.14, linked against 3.1.14

Here is how I am compiling cyrus.

CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.0/include LDFLAGS="-L
/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.0/lib -R/usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.0/lib" ./configure --di
sable-krb4 --disable-sieve

I know that RedHat ships with a version of BerkeleyDB 3, I believe this 
lives under the /lib as libdb.so. However I don't think this should be a 
problem given the way I am setting these environmental varialbes - but 
obviously I am wrong. I noticed to that the cyrus process does run 
according to ps output and netstat output though.
I noticed if I try imtest I see the following.

root@birdbrain cyrus-imapd-2.1.2]# imtest -m login -p imap localhost

However this will hang and not respond to any input. If anyone could give 
me some feedback or constructive input regarding this I would greatly 
appreciate it. Thanks

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