I have RedHat Linux 6.2 system running sendmail, procmail, and cyrus IMAPD
1.6.X without a problem.

The mail flow is as follows:
sendmail->procmail->cyrus IMAPD's deliver.

Everything works fine on this system.

I have setup a test RedHat 7.0 Linux system running Cyrus IMAPD 2.0.7-3.
This system works fine if I take procmail out of the picture.  In other
words, having sendmail send mail directly (well, via lmtp) using  the sample
.mc file from Cyrus works without a problem.

The issue arises when I bring procmail into the picture.  Using a setup
similar to what is working with the 1.6.X system, mail is never delivered.
I turned on as many debugging features as I could find and I can confirm
that procmail does end up firing up deliver.  I have tried having procmail
fire up deliver with the following different command lines.

deliver -a <username> -m <mailboxname>
deliver -e -a <username> -m <mailboxname>
deliver -e -a <username> -m <mailboxname> -l

In call cases, the mail does not get delivered.  However, deliver runs
successfully without reporting any errors.  I also tried deliver-wrapper
with no luck.

Am I missing something or is deliver (and/or deliver-wrapper) broken in the
2.X release?  Are there any debugging switches for deliver or
deliver-wrapper that I can turn on to see what is going on?

Thanks in advance for any help,

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