
Just wondering about a few things.

Occasionally I get timeouts connecting to the version 2.1.3 IMAP store.

After looking at what was going on for a bit, it seemed like 1 imapd process
is created for each mailbox. So I happily sat there doing 'ps' and looking
at what was going on while I tried several different connection tests,
waiting to see if anything obvious struck me as to why the thing would hang.

Now, I thought originally that 1 imapd process was created for each access
to a mailbox (I haven't got pre-forking on). But after a while it appeared
this was obviously not the case because I got over 26 imapd processes after
checking only 13 (ish) different mailboxes.

Looking as the 'ps' output, I noticed they were all spawned by master -
nothing odd about that - but the wchan for each was different:

000 S cyrus    21177 21169  0  69   0    -  5215 do_sel 17:13 pts/0
00:00:00 imapd
000 S cyrus    21220 21169  0  69   0    -  5230 interr 17:14 pts/0
00:00:00 imapd
000 S cyrus    21221 21169  0  69   0    -  5213 do_sel 17:14 pts/0
00:00:00 imapd
000 S cyrus    21222 21169  0  69   0    -  5215 do_sel 17:14 pts/0
00:00:00 imapd
000 S cyrus    21223 21169  0  69   0    -  5210 interr 17:14 pts/0
00:00:00 imapd

I have a feeling this isn't good?

I could also be barking up the wrong tree - any other reasons for the hang
when trying to fetch new mail? (Its not just Outlook - Eudora does it as


Russell Packer


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