Take care... Zimbra is based in a non normalized database...if you see their database model is a mess, up to you if you want to integrate your systems with this kind of developments.. Also their imap server is non 'Open', and it has a lot of bugs still to manage.
The free version of Zimbra also lack a lot of importants features.

L. Mark Stone wrote:
Worth taking a look at Zimbra.  We considered OX but thought Zimbra far 


----- Hans Moser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| Rafael Alcalde schrieb:
| | > Suse (NOVELL) give up SLOX, there is no new releases for a year, and | now | > the only way is to migrate to OX. But, it still have not a | development | > environment, connectors to other systems like outlook or palm..., | Do you speak about the community or commercial version of OX?
| Do you know OXTender?
| -> http://www.open-xchange.com/EN/product/oxtender.html
| | Hans | | ----
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