Am Tuesday 12 September 2006 15:16 schrieb AJ:

>    I am using saslauthd 2.1.19 w/ RHEL4 and I am trying to
> authenticate to an ldap server via the user's mail attribute and
> userPassword.  I am using the -r flag w/ saslauthd and here is my
> saslauthd.conf file:
> ldap_servers: ldap://
> ldap_search_base: ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=com
> ldap_filter: (&([EMAIL PROTECTED]))
> ldap_use_sasl: yes
> Trying to test w/ testsaslauthd via:
> testsaslauthd -u [EMAIL PROTECTED] -p test
> does not work.
> Am I using the correct ldap_filter and saslauthd syntax?

Stop saslauthd and start it from a shell with an additional "-d":

# saslauthd -d -a ldap ...

Check the Output after another try with testsaslauthd.

Check the Log of slapd. Maybe turn on verbose logging.

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